Terms of Service

1. Acceptance of Terms

1.1 Entire Agreement. These Terms of Use or Service (“Terms”) are the entire agreement between you and CUX Studio (“We,” “Us,” or “Our”) concerning your access and use of the CUX Studio website. By accessing or using this website, you agree to follow these Terms as well as Our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not access or use this website.

1.2 Additional Terms. Specific sections of the website, especially those related to custom design services or collaborative projects, may be subject to additional guidelines, contracts, or agreements.

2. Modification of Terms

2.1 Modifications. We have the right to modify these Terms at any time by posting the updated terms on the website. Your continued use of the website following any modifications indicates your acceptance of the new Terms.

3. Changes to Website

3.1 Updates or Changes. We may change, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the website at any time, including the availability of any website feature, database, or content. We may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to parts or all of the website without notice or liability.

4. Registration and Account Security

4.1 Access to Services. Registration may be required for accessing certain services or areas of the website. In the registration process, you agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as requested by our registration processes.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

5.1 Copyright. All materials produced or provided as part of our design services, including graphics, visuals, text, logos and software, are the intellectual property of CUX Studio or its licensors and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, modify, or use these materials without obtaining permission from the rightful owner.

6. Client Projects and Collaborations

6.1 Project Agreements. All design projects or collaborative efforts undertaken with CUX Studio are subject to specific agreements outlining the scope of work, deliverables, payment terms, and intellectual property rights specific to the project.

6.2 Confidentiality. During project discussions, both parties may receive access to confidential information. Both parties must agree to keep the shared information confidential and to use it only for purposes related to the project.

7. User Conduct

7.1 Agree Not To Engage In Any Following Activities. 

  • You must not use the website for any illegal purpose.
  • You must not access the website’s server or connected networks in a manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair them.
  • You will not attempt to bypass any measures of the website designed to prevent or restrict access to the website or any portion of the website.
  • You will not use the website to send unauthorized advertising or spam.
  • You will not collect, or gather user data without consent.

8. Disclaimer of Warranties

8.1. Limitation of Liability. We provide the website on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We do not warrant that the website will be uninterrupted or error-free. There may be delays, omissions, interruptions, and inaccuracies in the news, information, or other materials available through the website.

9. Indemnification

9.1. Website Use and Terms Violation. You will indemnify and hold harmless Cux Studio and its affiliates, agents, and employees from any claim, suit, or action arising from or related to the use of the website or violation of these Terms, including any liability or expense arising from claims, losses, damages, suits, judgments, litigation costs, and attorneys’ fees.

10. Termination

10.1 Limit the access. We may terminate your access to all or any part of the website at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately, which may result in the forfeiture and destruction of all information associated with your membership.

11. Governing Law

11.1. Conflict of Law. These Terms will be governed by and construed following the laws of the jurisdiction in which CUX Studio is located, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law.

12. Contact Us

12.1. For any questions, concerns, or complaints, please contact us.

13. Updates to the Website and Services

13.1. Updates. We reserve the right to make changes to the website, its operations, and services offered at any time without prior notice.

14. Accessibility

14.1.Digital Accessibility. CUX Studio is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards.

15. Design Portfolio

15.1.Website Design. The designs and creative work displayed on this website are part of CUX Studio’s portfolio. These works are presented for demonstration purposes and are not to be replicated or used without explicit permission from CUX Studio and its clients.

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