Aura Animal

NFT Community for Animal Lovers

Project Overview

Aura Animals is a non-profit DAO that uses NFTs to raise funds for stray dogs. It offers a platform for users to buy, sell, and trade NFTs and services for creators to generate their own NFTs, with an AI-based feature to create NFTs directly on the platform.


Web3, Blockchain, NFT


Aura Animals


February, 2023


Aura Animals required UX planning, product functionality, feasibility analysis, user journey and flows, user interface design and branding, and illustrations and icon library. However, the project requirements were not aligned and described different functionalities and use cases, making it challenging to understand the exact needs of the project.


CUX Studio organized and prioritized requirements developed a clear project scope, and implemented a phased approach to development. They ensured scalability, provided ongoing support, and continuously improved the platform based on user feedback and market trends.

The project scope was outlined with functionalities of the NFT marketplace, designed a wireframe/prototype to provide a visual representation of the project. They also continuously iterated and improved the platform based on user feedback and changing market trends.

Design Process

We aim to achieve exceptional user experiences by blending aesthetic creativity with functional design. Our ultimate goal is to create digital products that not only meet business objectives but also provide an effortless and memorable user experience.


Our goal of delivering outstanding user experiences. To achieve this, we carefully examine each user’s interaction with a product, identifying areas for improvement and creating streamlined and impactful experiences. Our approach results in designs that are memorable and leave a lasting impression.

Hi-fi Design

We focus on creating designs that connect with users and leave a lasting impact. This involves leveraging both technical expertise and creative excellence, alongside a thorough understanding of user needs. By doing so, we can develop strategies that effectively communicate a product’s brand and value proposition.

Delivering stability while maximising scalability and creativity.

Our strategy is to create designs that are not only relevant in the present but also future-proof and aligned with evolving market trends. We achieve this by developing adaptable products that can evolve alongside changes in the industry. By adopting this approach, we can ensure that our designs remain effective and impactful in an ever-changing landscape.

Creativity and collaboration leads us to do our best work.

We leverage collaboration and creativity as our approach to designing exceptional products that surpass the competition. By combining diverse expertise, we create innovative and effective solutions that stand out and make a lasting impression.

Prototype &
Visual Design

We strive to create visually stunning and highly functional products that offer a memorable user experience. To achieve this, we prioritize usability testing before proceeding to the development phase.

Our expert team leverages cutting-edge design techniques and technology to ensure exceptional results for our clients.

Want to explore the complete project?

Click the link below to see the project.

Visual Definition

Our design process aims to deliver visually stunning and highly functional products that leave a lasting impression on users. We prioritize usability testing before moving on to the development phase.


Font Family


Color Palette



UX Components

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